The Villages’s Train Project “AL QATR”: Evaluation Rreport

Researcher: Dana Alawneh

This is an evaluation of the “Qatr Project”/Village’s Train (I will be calling it in both versions throughout this evaluation) that took place from January till December 2016 in different locations in the governorate of Minya in Upper Egypt. The villages were Barsha, Manhari, Abu Qurqas, Bayyadeya and Abou Ghreir as well as in the city of Minya and the town of Mallawi.

The aim of this evaluation is to question and understand the effectiveness of such a project and its success in achieving its goals and to listen to first-hand feedback of those who were involved in it. Moreover, throughout this evaluation I emphasize on certain points that might have recurred from the people I interviewed for this evaluation and are of importance for the project. Furthermore, I will discuss the challenges the project faced and give recommendations for further development.

To download the full Alqatr Report

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